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Posts Tagged
‘Future of Work’

Reading Time: 5 minute/s excluding links. In 2015, I wrote about the danger of premature generalisations being made about Generation Z’s work preferences.  Fast forward to 2024, and it’s clear that while some predictions have come true, others have missed the mark in several key areas.  Recent research provides more nuanced insights into how Gen Z’s workstyle preferences and trends have […]

Reading Time: 12 minute/s excluding links. Five Drivers of Change Still Relevant in 2024 – or How My Predictions Played Out. Imagine a world where the coworking industry grew exponentially, only to face an existential threat followed by a spectacular public downfall of its poster child.   This is not the story of WeWork.  Instead, it’s the story of the transformative potential […]

Reading Time: 4 minute/s excluding links. Title: The Future of Work and Leadership Interview with Dr Caroline Burns    Presenters:  Dr Caroline Burns, Founder and Managing Director, Workplace Revolution  Kilani Daane, Executive Coach, Level V Partners  Marcel Daane, CEO and Principal Management Consultant, Level V Partners    Event:  Level V Partners Livestream    Date: 27 September 2023    About this interview: […]

Reading Time: 6 minute/s excluding links. This is a refresh of an article from March 2020 by Caroline Burns to include how remote work strategies have evolved over the last 3 years    How Remote Strategies Have Evolved Post-Pandemic. I advise multinational companies on workstyle strategies, and over the past decade, this has increasingly involved the implementation of some sort of […]

Reading Time: 7 minute/s excluding links. Peter Drucker  first observed in a 1992 essay for Harvard Business Review that our great transformation to a society of knowledge workers would be completed by 2010 or 2020.  Unfortunately organisations still struggle to optimise performance by recognising and enabling the key requirements of knowledge work laid out by Drucker 25 years ago: Our multi-sourced […]

Reading Time: 10 minute/s excluding links. Office or home?  Which is more productive? If you’re Jamie Dimon (CEO of JP Morgan), James Gorman (Chief Executive of Morgan Stanley), Tim Clark (CEO f Apple), Andy Jassey (incoming Amazon CEO) or a number of other prominent CEO’s, you firmly believe employees are most productive when they are in the office together[1]. However if […]