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Posts Tagged
‘Flexible / Hybrid Work’

Reading Time: 6 minute/s excluding links. This is a refresh of an article from March 2020 by Caroline Burns to include how remote work strategies have evolved over the last 3 years    How Remote Strategies Have Evolved Post-Pandemic. I advise multinational companies on workstyle strategies, and over the past decade, this has increasingly involved the implementation of some sort of […]

Reading Time: 8 minute/s excluding links. Is the emergence of ‘hybrid’ work from the pandemic an opportunity missed for organisations and employees? Covid showed us we can adapt, change and learn new things quickly: New tools integrated into daily routines – VC meetings, Teams etc, cloud apps; New workplace – home, but even more than before our laptop became our mobile, […]

Reading Time: 7 minute/s excluding links. Peter Drucker  first observed in a 1992 essay for Harvard Business Review that our great transformation to a society of knowledge workers would be completed by 2010 or 2020.  Unfortunately organisations still struggle to optimise performance by recognising and enabling the key requirements of knowledge work laid out by Drucker 25 years ago: Our multi-sourced […]

Reading Time: 3 minute/s excluding links. ‘The ABC’s of workplace’ is a short series attempting to decode hybrid workplace jargon to foster a more nuanced discussion on future work capabilities, workstyles and workplace in a post-pandemic world.  Part 1 “A is for Agency” focuses on the choice vs control tug-of-war between employees and employers.   Choice and control – or choice […]